You are here: Inter-Store Ordering – Head Office

Inter-Store Ordering – Head Office

Inter-Store Ordering in Idealpos – Head Office

The Inter-Store Ordering function is available when using both the Head Office and Site Management modules of Idealpos.

All terminals connected on the network must include either a Head Office or Site Management module in their licence.


Inter-Store Ordering enables each store to create Purchase Orders within the system that will be sent to a Head Office terminal for Shipping and Invoicing.

Invoices will be charged to a Customer Account which is linked to a Location of the corresponding Store/s.



The hierarchy is as follows:

Sites > Locations > POS Terminals



POS Terminals can only be linked to one Location.

Locations can only be linked to one Site.

Sites can contain multiple Locations and POS Terminals.


Before using this system you will need to have a good knowledge of the concepts and settings used.

Once you have read the Help Guide for Head Office & Site Management, you will need to ensure that your database is properly configured.

For any help and advice, please contact Idealpos Solutions before attempting to set this up.




Purchase Order Screen Overview

Create an Order

Supply an Order

Receive an Order

Invoice an Order

Process an Order

Additional Information